Equity in Action: How our Companies that Care #EmbraceEquity and drive change in 2023 and beyond
At half the sky, we celebrate women 365 days a year. To us, International Women’s Day is yet another day to celebrate the amazing women who inspire us every day and who make a difference in the world. We recognize that, as a career platform, we are creating an essential tool for forging equity and empowering women in their personal and professional lives. Whether it's through mentorship, networking, or educational opportunities, we provide women with the resources and support they need to achieve their goals and pursue their dreams.On this day, it is important to remember that celebrating women is not just a once-a-year event but a constant effort to recognize their achievements and contributions to society. In IrnizahKhusaini of Johnson Controls words, it means to be “empowered, and take ownership to create the environment and space for every one of us to develop, succeed and thrive”.This year’s IWD theme is all about #EmbraceEquity. In this blog post, we have asked our incredible companies that care to share with us how they uniquely #EmbraceEquity in their organization. #EmbraceEquity is about ensuring that every woman, regardless of her background, has equal access to employment, support and opportunities for reach her full potential, despite the roadblocks they are be presented with. Janelle Delaney, Women@IBM A/NZ Executive Sponsor shares the importance of driving conversations about “flexible working, tackling tough issues like menopause, domestic violence, infertility – yes these are topics that need to be spoken about - as well as looking at how to support our teams in life after COVID”. And this isn’t limited to the global gender gap. Hwa Choo Lim from Equinix shares the organization’s commitment to “accelerating digital inclusion and closing the gender digital divide” through “empowering women specializing in technology roles, giving them the support and confidence, they need to succeed and thrive in the field.”Hearing their stories, we are proud to celebrate our Companies that Care, who share the same mission as us and inspire us daily with their profound and authentic commitment to helping women succeed in the workplace and beyond. Read on as we highlight some of our amazing clients who share our mission of how they #EmbraceEquity and celebrate their achievements! Hwa Choo LimVice President, Human Resources, Asia-Pacific, Equinix"Observing the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”, this year’s International Women’s Day is an opportunity for us to recognize the achievements of women who forged their own path no matter the obstacles thrust in their way. Whether it’s dispelling stereotypes, speaking up for themselves and their peers or achieving beyond what was expected of them, we celebrate their accomplishments and courageous perseverance. At Equinix, we place great importance on making women feel “I’m safe, I belong, I matter.” Through long-standing communities for empowerment like the Equinix Women Leaders Network (EWLN), women are able to mentor, connect, belong and nurture one another through ongoing programs that encourage professional growth.Going the extra mile this year, Equinix Foundation, our employee-driven global charitable organization, has committed a $100,000 grant to World Pulseto support its work accelerating digital inclusion and closing the gender digital divide. In order to close the digital divide for women, we will continue to empower women specializing in technology roles, giving them the support and confidence they need to succeed and thrive in the field."Spring AiSoftware Development Manager, Autodesk"I'm embracing equity by taking a new role as the China Region Chapter Lead for Autodesk Women's Network (AWN), our Employee Resource Group dedicated to empowering and developing women at Autodesk. In this new role, I lead the community and collaboratewith other talented women in the executive team. Due to the pandemic, the China AWN community has been relatively quiet for the past three years. Now it's time to restart, reinvigorate, and reunite community members and empower people through various programs and activities. This position allows me to use my strengths to support other women, extend my network, and discover growth opportunities.I'm also embracing equity by engaging in the Autodesk Mentorship Program. This program has helped me learn a lot of practical knowledge, including people management and communication skills."Janelle DelaneyPartner, IBM Consulting and Executive Sponsor, Women@IBM ANZ"Working with our fantastic Women@IBM in Australia and New Zealand squads, we plan to continue to make IBM the best place for women to grow, work and flourish. We focus on initiatives that not only support women but support everyone in our workplace, such as looking at flexible working, tackling tough issues like menopause, domestic violence, infertility – yes these are topics that need to be spoken about - as well as looking at how to support our teams in life after COVID. We are also running events to enable technical women from different organisations to network and encourage each other in their career development. At IBM we care about our people and inclusivity is key to an organisation’s success, so I love having the opportunity to contribute to our success through the work of Women@IBM."Azadeh KhojandiManager, Engineering, The Trade DeskWe recently held our Global Convention in Singapore in February. We hosted a breakfast for all our members of APAC Women in The Trade Desk (TTD). It was a fantastic opportunity to network and we had the chance to meet lots of new people from many different offices. We also posed a challenge to our attendees. We created bingo cards with TTD leaders names on them, and asked our members to take photos with everyone on their bingo card. The pose was in light of International Women’s Day theme for 2023, ‘Embrace Equity’ and we asked each person to pose with a self hug. This challenge was an excellent opportunity for our members to engage with leaders outside their immediate work circle and for them to also have some fun along the way. In 2022, Women in TTD Circles was created to provide a space where women can pursue their own version of success, with a solid base of TTD members who will cheer each other on.Irnizah KhusainiHead of Talent Acquisition, Southeast Asia, Johnson Controls"Creating an equitable and inclusive culture is key for us at Johnson Controls, especially one that’s sustainable over time. For such a culture to happen, we recognize that the journey goes beyond creating appropriate resources and opportunities. It’s also about increasing visibility and support through a collective effort as One Team. Together with the rest of my colleagues in Johnson Controls, we are empowered, and we take ownership to create the environment and space for every one of us to develop, succeed and thrive. I’m committed to reducing bias in the recruitment process, and to amplify the voices of my team and people around me. This journey starts today, and I invite you to join us to build a better tomorrow together!"We are thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase some of our exceptional clients who are leading the way in promoting gender equity and creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace. Their dedication to empowering women and providing them with the tools they need to succeed is truly inspiring, and we are proud to partner with them to make this mission a priority in 2023 and beyond! By having a glimpse into their passion and commitment to women in the workplace, we hope to inspire others to join us in the mission of promoting equity and creating a brighter future for women everywhere.
T档案 | TTD的全能美少女战士,是谁?
点击上方蓝字关注我们在程序化广告行业从业人士眼里,TTD近几年快速成长,是一家极具有潜力的公司;在TTD同事的心目中,TTD更是一家以人为本、充满人情味的公司,从工作到生活,处处关怀。不论是适应公司成长,营造舒适的办公环境,还是建设温暖的企业文化、拉近同事距离,都离不开这样一个超能角色——那就是Workplace Manager!Jean Zhao本期T档案,我们邀请到我们的知心小姐姐,暨TTD全能美少女战士Jean Zhao,来和我们一起聊一聊Workplace Manager的工作日常。集齐客户服务、财务、法务和设计师特质于一身在TTD,Workplace Manager面向的是内部同事,致力于为所有TTD同事及客户创造一个全球整体一致、安全、高效、舒适、友好且有趣的工作环境。“Workplace Manager是个很多元的角色。我们的日常工作是维护办公室的基本运营、规划新的办公空间来服务于团队的迅速扩张,同时我们也策划和执行各类团队活动,比如Lunch & Pantry Program、Happy Hour、Morale Event、早些时候的办公室扩张派对、最近的迪士尼团建等。” Jean说道。Workplace Manager可以说是一个“全能战士”。一个优秀的Workplace Manager“除了业务精通,还要有客户服务的敏锐、财务的细心、法务的严谨和设计师的审美。”披荆斩棘的全能美少女战士即使是全能战士,也难免遇到问题与挑战,而Jean总能逐一击破。Jean分享到,“这两年对我来说最大的挑战有两个,第一个是由于疫情防控需要,部分线下活动转移到了线上。Jean我印象很深的一次线上活动是在我刚入职不久举行的猜谜活动,我需要准备60个和公司、办公室及同事相关的问题,对于刚加入TTD的我来说,还是有些难度的。于是我就趁着午餐时间和大家一起“不经意”地聊天,默默记下一些有意思的点,例如谁最爱迪斯尼,哪些同事生日同一天等。”“第二个挑战是TTD人员快速增长带来的需求增长,不过好在我们老板在早期就预见了这个增长,在相应板块进行了规划及调整,同时我们的工作流程也进行了进一步优化,更加系统化、更高效。”“TTD给了我很大的自由度和施展空间,绝不是机械地执行,每KO一个挑战,我的技能Buff就再次升级,这个过程我觉得是很有意义的!”TTD的一位小伙伴说道,“正是有Jean和团队的精心策划与快速响应,我们才能每天都那么轻松、快乐!工作效率都更高了!”人越来越多,情也越来越浓“人情味是我在TTD感受最深的,太多让我印象深刻的事情了,例如说每次活动大家都会主动帮忙准备,还有“气氛组”时刻热场;我在TTD工作两周年的时候,大家瞒着我,给了我一个巨大的纪念日惊喜,真的非常感动;在新的办公室扩张后,收到同事可爱的卡片,我瞬间觉得一切的辛苦都值得了……”Jean分享到。来了TTD,我们就是一家人。在TTD,我们希望每一位同事在拥有轻松、舒适的工作环境的同时,也可以感受到家的温暖,Because You Matter。借此机会,我们也想和Jean说,@Jean 听我说,谢谢你,因为有你,温暖了四季。谢谢你,感谢有你,TTD更美丽!最后一个开心剧透:10月份除了愉快的小长假,我们还将举办为期三天的人人都是咖啡大师-手冲咖啡体验活动!Make some noise!The original article was published here.
这个盛夏,TTD办公室热闹非凡,我们迎来了一批怀揣梦想与激情的童鞋加入TTD实习——他们热情向上富有创造力,他们虚心好学勇于探索未知,他们不惧挑战大有可为。在TTD实习,是一种什么样的体验呢?Carol Zhuang庄惠棋TTD市场营销部的一枚时尚达人,热爱旅游、运动、烘培,目前就读院于香港科技大学。Ginny Li李婧一TTD广告交易团队的一位ISFJ型活力元气美少女,游泳、跑步等运动不在话下,与Carol是校友,就读于香港科技大学。Ruby Qiu邱天蕾恬静外表下隐藏着跳脱有趣的灵魂,来自TTD客户服务部,喜欢拼乐高、网球、听播客,就读于昆山杜克大学。Yingjing Zhang张英静TTD商务拓展部的气质美眉,静若处子动若脱兔说的就是她,喜欢弹尤克里里和游泳,就读于复旦大学。Elaine姚逸绮办公室红薯杀手,十级Gelato爱好者,TTD商务拓展部的另一位美貌与智慧并存的小姐姐,就读于布朗大学。 我们都被TTD的企业文化 | 和程序化广告业务吸引Carol我希望在B2B市场营销和程序化广告领域有更深入的学习。我在社交媒体上看到很多TTD员工分享TTD“Because You Matter”的企业文化,我当时就觉得这样重视员工的公司肯定也是一个很好的成长平台,在面试环节,我也充分感受到了这一点。TTD强大的科技互联网公司DNA十分吸引我,它的平台和产品都很独特。在面试的过程中,我能够感受到HR和同事们的和善,很喜欢公司和谐的企业文化。GinnyRubyAd Tech(广告技术)对我来说是全新的领域,我对这个行业很感兴趣。在面试的时候,我觉得大家都很亲切友好、很专业,HR会鼓励我分享自己的想法。来到TTD后,轻松舒适的工作氛围、扁平的管理制度、互帮互助的团队文化等都让我更享受在TTD这个大家庭中工作。在面试的时候和面试官聊得很开心,面试官自信干练的样子让我心生向往,同时也感受到TTD在广告科技行业的专业,TTD在做的程序化广告平台是一件意义非凡、具有行业变革性的一件事。YingjingElaine我一直对Digital Marketing很感兴趣,之前考取了Google Analytics的证书,对Digital Advertising也有一些了解。TTD是行业内有名的程序化广告领域的独角兽公司,在纽约做广告的一位姐姐和我推荐了TTD。在TTD实习,是怎样一种体验?Carol我们每周都会有一次与实习导师的深入聊天,与其说是布置任务和对上周工作的复盘,我更愿意描述为职场思维的私教课。在我有疑惑时,Peggy(TTD中国区高级市场经理)总是能很清晰地指出问题的关键和我可以改进的地方,给我提出非常专业并且行之有效的建议,我对Marketing和职场思维从模糊到逐渐清晰。开放的工作氛围让我可以尝试任何我想尝试的领域,并且都能得到公司和团队的支持。在TTD,我时刻都能感受到"Because You Matter" 和"Because Growth Matters"的内核。当我完成了新的工作的时候,Peggy一定不会吝啬她的鼓励;当我工作出现疏漏的时候,Mayer(TTD法律顾问)会和我说No apologies necessary, learning new things is what internship for.和Jenny姐姐(TTD北亚区高级客户总监)的采访结束后,她会和我聊聊家常,问问我最近过得怎么样,工作上有没有什么问题。Ginny在初入职的培训指导中,TTD有专门的实习导师为我们制定实习计划;同事们都很亲切友善,会耐心倾听问题并给出建议,每项工作都能顺利、高效的进行;Slack中有各种各样的频道,让我更好地了解公司业务和行业前景。公司会定期举办很多分享和交流会,在与其他团队同事的交流中,我对未来职业规划也有了更清晰的方向。TTD在7月末举行了一次团建活动,我们也受到了邀请共同前往苏州,这让我受宠若惊,也再一次感受到了TTD平等和谐的企业氛围。在团建的过程中,对公司更加了解,和同事们也更加熟悉,团建过程中对公司内部流程的自省和前景的展望让我受益匪浅。Ruby加入TTD后的第二周就去苏州阳澄湖团建,度过了非常难忘的一个周末,也因此认识了很多不同团队的小伙伴,大家都非常友善随和,我们现在都保持着很紧密的联系。平时我有任何疑问向实习导师或其他同事请教时,他们也都会耐心回答,也会把想到的任何与之相关的知识都告诉我。 YingjingTTD的同事们都知无不言,特别愿意教我们。TTD鼓励大家相互沟通,程序化广告对我来说是一个全新的领域,在工作中我遇到了很多不太理解的问题,每次询问,他们都会倾囊相授。在和TTD众多同事的交流中,我对公司的业务有了更深层次的理解,大家也很关注我的职业发展,给了我很多过来人的建议。平时和大家一起吃饭、聊天都特别开心,大家讨论的话题都很有意思。不论是生活还是工作方面,我都学到了很多。Elaine不同于我以往的实习经历,在TTD,我们在工作中有极高的参与感,除商务会议外,我的实习导师Cathy(TTD中国业务拓展经理)会让我参与到各项我感兴趣的工作里,甚至带着我一起去见客户,这是非常难能可贵的体验。Cathy也会耐心地和我解释我在做的工作是为了什么、有什么用、以及会怎么被使用,更全面宏观地了解一项工作使我能更有针对性地完成每项细小的任务。TTD的每一位同事都很友好,包容和谐的氛围让我有安全感来提出我的想法、问题或需求,每天上班都是充实开心的。在TTD实习后,我变了 Carol真切地体会到“学生思维“和”职场思维“的区别,从工作和与公司前辈的交流中,能自省到过去自己思维的局限性和工作侧重点的漏洞。在学习同事们沟通和工作模式的过程中,也逐渐培养了一些良好的工作习惯。这样思维的成长和转变可以说是一个师傅领进门的过程。Ginny在实习的过程中,获得了很多善意和同事的肯定,变得更加积极主动,更加有自信。TTD的实习周期比较长,这也让我可以更加深入地去学去研究,对广告行业有了更深的理解,也掌握了更多的数据处理方法,学会了一些从数据中寻找规律,给出建议的技巧和方法。Ruby加入TTD之后才发现自己对广告行业,特别是Ad Tech(广告技术),完全不了解,TTD前期的Edge Academy、内部的培训和各种Knowledge Portal等资源让我学到了很多干货,TTD海外办公室的同事们也会在Slack里帮助大家找相关的资源。同事们都互帮互助,互相解答问题,我对团队精神的重要性也有了新的认识。Yingjing首先是对程序化广告和整个广告行业有了更加深入、前沿的了解,发现原来随处可见的广告背后有那么多的逻辑。同时,我认识了很多资深的前辈,在他们身上看到了领导力和全球视野,也认识了很多新朋友,闲暇时经常一起约饭,非常开心的体验。Elaine对Digital Marketing有了更深入的了解,对Digital Advertising领域的专业知识和行业趋势都有了新的认知。比较值得一提的是,在TTD实习让我能够以新的视野、新的角度来看待职业发展的焦虑。在TTD的工作以及和大家的接触让我开始明白保持学习能力和主动学习的心是最重要的,我经常能看到大家互相取经、持续更新自己的信息储备、从工作里get新技能。对我来说只要有在成长就不会那么焦虑,所以以后在职业发展中我也会选择像TTD这样重视个人成长、氛围非常积极向上的平台。TTD学长学姐还想与你说欢迎大家来到TTD这个大家庭!在这里你会拥有非常多的自主学习的时间和机会,也会遇到一群人美(帅)心善的小伙伴们,一起进步!对于完全不了解TTD或者广告技术的同学来说,不用太紧张或者有压力,希望大家都可以勇敢尝试未曾涉足的领域和工作,这里有热心同事和内部的各种资源帮助你了解不同知识。Be active and confident, never stop thinking!The original article was published here
T档案 | 你一定不想错过的B端产品经理修炼指南!
T档案 | 你一定不想错过的B端产品经理修炼指南!TTD作为全球领先的广告技术公司,卓越的产品是TTD的优势之一,秉承“Do The Right Thing”原则,TTD为客户创造能够提升商业价值的产品,推动程序化广告生态持续发展。一个优秀的产品的诞生之旅是怎样的呢?Iris Dong本期T档案,我们邀请到集美貌与哲学智慧于一身的TTD高级产品经理Iris Dong,与我们分享TTD产品经理的日常。3个阶段,9+个团队“从产品需求思考、到产品开发、再到产品交付这三个阶段,我们要与TTD的几乎所有团队沟通合作,包括但不限于前期与商务团队、产品合规审核团队,中期与工程师团队、数据科学家团队、交互设计团队,后期与产品推广团队等多方协作。”“对于要做什么样的产品、为什么要做这个产品、如何实现产品功能、如何提高产品价值,我们要有非常清晰的思考与认知。”在这个过程中,产品经理首先需要具备非常强的倾听能力——倾听需求,不管是直面客户还是内部团队,都需要给予需求表达方足够的时间和自由度,鼓励、引导他把完整表达需求,并有技巧地追问、挖掘更深层次的需求。其次要具备“多语言翻译”能力,如何将需求翻译成产品语言、如何将产品语言翻译成技术开发语言、如何以市场语言向客户展示成型产品的价值,是产品经理的必修课。用发展的眼光看待每一个产品从庄子齐物论到马克思辩证唯物主义,“发展”哲学始终贯穿历史长河,作为人类现代文明社会建设的重要指导思想。在TTD,发展哲学是产品经理日常工作的指导思维。Iris谈道,当我们接到一个产品需求时,我们首先要思考这个产品在整个DSP(需求方平台)及程序化广告生态中要扮演什么样的角色,当下市场是否已经足够成熟可接纳这个产品,以及在未来5-10年后该产品是否能够顺应程序化广告生态链的发展,并且持续发挥价值。一味埋头苦干,机械式解决短期需求很容易在后浪拍前浪时被时代浪潮抛弃。与C端产品经理不同,B端产品经理要有非常敏锐的商业嗅觉,能够清楚定位这个产品在未来发展中能够给客户和TTD带来什么样的商业价值。Iris指出,真正打动人心的是技术,是后端强大的数据处理能力,是这个功能对业务提升的实质性帮助。因此我们的出发点是解决至少未来5年可预见的变化与需求。产品上线不等于结束,一个优秀的产品,是在发展中不断迭代、浴火重生而来,并在每一次重生中实现价值质的飞跃。 这不是一份任务,而是一次自我挑战在TTD,每一位产品经理都有充分的自由度和空间去发挥自己的特长,而不是作为一颗“螺丝钉”。“你能做的事情与职级无关,只与能力和态度有关,初级产品经理也可以参与大项目开发中,与全球团队一起头脑风暴、一起创造卓越”,Iris说道。Iris自2017年加入TTD至今已有5个年头,谈及在TTD任职产品经理的感受,她分享道,“我不觉得在TTD工作是一份任务,我觉得更多的是不断挑战自己、成就自己的过程。我在TTD收获了很多‘第一次’,第一次出国出差、第一次演讲等等,也收获了职业生涯的提升,我觉得在这里成长没有天花板,TTD已然成为我的第二个家。”我想,居里夫人所说的“科学的探讨与研究,其本身就含有至美,其本身给人的愉快就是报酬,所以我在我的工作里面寻得了快乐。”大抵就是这个意思吧。The original article was published here.
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