10 Easy things to do to stay fit whilst working from home
Working from home offers you a wealth of convenience. Whether it's getting a snack or going back to your bed for a quick lie-down, you only need to take a few steps to your desk. However, your den of creature comforts can cause you to form some bad habits, ones that may lead toward a very inactive lifestyle.
If you feel like you haven't done anything different from your routine when you still went to the office pre-pandemic, then you've missed how the walking train station or climbing up the office stairs have been helping you keep fit all along. With those activities gone, you need to find new, yet still convenient, ways to stay healthy and active while working from home.
Settling into the Routine
1. Create Your Schedule
First thing is make a schedule that you'd be willing to keep. When you're confined to one space for a long period of time, you might wake up at odd hours and ruin your sleep and eating habits.
The best way is to keep your usual work hours and treat the day like you would've if you were heading to the office. This applies to getting dressed and taking morning showers, too. Familiar habits are a signal for your body and mind to prepare for another day of doing your best at work.
2. Workout From Home
It's always been difficult to pencil in some workout time. But now that you've got a more freed-up schedule, make exercise your priority and commit to a few minutes of yoga at home. Schedule them before or after work hours. Even mid-lunch stretches can count towards a healthier you.
3. Working Out at Work
A novel idea would be to set up a workout meeting with your colleagues. Not only do you get out of the house, you could meet up with a few coworkers and enjoy a workout session, too. It's multitasking at its finest!
4. Establish Boundaries
In line with the previous points, have clear start and end times dedicated to working and to relaxation. This tells your brain and body that you're switching from work mode to relax mode or vice versa. Be strict and don't answer non-urgent calls or reply to emails during your downtime.
5. Take A Walk Every Hour
Sitting for long periods of time is known to be bad for your health. The easiest way to solve this is to take small walks after each hour. It's good for a change in scenery and rest for your eyes after being glued to a screen for so long. Use a timer to remind yourself in case you get too absorbed in your projects.
6. ...And Outside, Too
If you've gotten bored with the interior of your house, expand your walking route to the block around your house. Fresh air does wonders and you can walk for a bit longer. Just make sure not to forget that you've got work to get back to!
Healthy Desk, Healthy Mind
7. Designate A Workspace
Not everyone has a home office, but it's still important to keep a separate work area. It's just easier to relax in a place that won't remind you of your work. If you have a small living space, at least set a chair and table away from the central area of non-work activity.
8. A Seat Fit For a Queen
If your job requires you to be sitting for a long time, make yourself comfortable and get an ergonomically fit chair. Your posture and backside will be thankful and it can help you concentrate better on your current task.
9. And Her Standing Table
On the other hand, you could use a standing table to avoid sitting down for too long altogether. This only works if you can do your work while standing up, and if your standing table can be high enough for you to do your work properly.
10. Create A Work-Friendly Environment
Reflect on the times when you were able to concentrate best. Is it with soothing music in the background? Or do you prefer when the room is cooler? Set your workspace to be the most optimal place for you to work in. Remove any distractions or transfer them to another room.
The benefits of keeping healthy and fit are worth the adjustments to your routine. These tips are also perfect for busy women who want to stay active as they juggle their time for work and family as well.
Not only will you be stronger at fighting illness, you can also improve your mood and handle stress better. You don't need to create a home gym just to keep fit because with these ten ideas, it's now much easier to stay healthy while working from home.
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Half the Sky's mission is to supply the tools that can give every woman the ability to build a successful career and be fully prepared for the future of work. So, that they can lead a healthy, prosperous and more balanced/blended lifestyle of their choosing. By building your confidence, you’re setting foundations to empower yourself and your career. The world is your oyster, and it starts with you.
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