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HTS D&I Weekly RoundUp

Welcome to our review of all the major D&I news stories from around the world. Sharing our favorite articles, videos, events, and podcasts....

Women Working Together

Female entrepreneurs from Tokyo connected with potential business partners in Singapore during a joint webinar held by APT Women and DWEN. Their goal was to provide growth opportunities for female entrepreneurs who struggle to succeed in their native Japan due to its pervading gender inequality.

Women in Tech

In Kapersky's Women in Tech report, surveys revealed that despite the flexibility in working from home, lockdown has impeded women's career progression. Women from the study explained that they're still subject to social bias and have to manage added responsibilities such as housework and childcare on top of their responsibilities at work. Learn more about the study here.

Culture and Beliefs

After stand-up comedian Yang Li made controversial waves during her performance in a Chinese television program, the issue of China's stance on gender beliefs are thrown into the spotlight. The coinage of "militant feminism" highlights the strict gender roles for both Chinese men and women and how they limit women's rights and privileges in the country.

#MeToo Asia

The #MeToo movement started a widespread campaign against sexual harassment, inspiring similar ones to rise up around Asia. However, there has been backlash saying that the campaign's Western origins may have actually impeded women's struggles by aggravating existing prejudices.

Glass Ceiling No More

For many companies managing the crisis is at the top of the agenda and advancing gender diversity and equality may seem a distant priority. However, a report by Harvard Business Review argues that tackling issues of diversity and inclusion are key to supercharging economic recovery and building sustainable growth.

Career Advice

Kathy Chen provides some advice for women in tech, emphasizing the importance of female connections and finding a mentor in what is a significantly male male-dominated industry. Read more on her insights as one of the receivers of the 2020 Women in ICT Award which honours women in tech across Southeast Asia

Psychological Empowerment

Women tend to be more pressured to perform well and end up struggling with low self-esteem and imposter syndrome. Author Claire Wasserman offers solutions for women to uncover their true worth in her new bookLadies get Paid.


Gather inspiration for your career goals from the women who have risen to the top of the corporate ladder. Get to know the story behind their achievements in this list of female leaders breaking the men-only mold of the C-suite.

Advice for Young Women

Watch this inspiring video of IBM CEO Ginni Rometty on how she climbed her way to the top in the competitive tech sector. She also has some wise words of advice for the young women who have just started their career journey.

Marubeni to hire more women in major D&I push

In Japan, women usually make up less than 30% of the total new hires at trading companies. Industry leader Marubeni seeks to change this by pledging to increase the ratio of women in their typically male-dominated workforce. It's expected to build a foundation for gender equality especially since trading companies are a favored choice for college students looking for jobs.

Half the Sky's mission is to supply the tools that can give every woman the ability to build a successful career and be fully prepared for the future of work. So, that they can lead a healthy, prosperous and more balanced/blended lifestyle of their choosing.  By building your confidence, you’re setting foundations to empower yourself and your career.  The world is your oyster, and it starts with you. 

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half the sky (HTS) is a career platform for women connecting you to career opportunities at companies that care. Providing you with information, tips and strategies to navigate the rapidly changing workplace.

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