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7 Things to do after a long & stressful work week

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7 Things to do after a long & stressful work week

​Everyone has bad weeks at work. Like those really frustrating and stressful days that we just want to be over. If your feeling like me, Friday couldn’t have come soon enough, with a week filled with meetings, conference calls and office politics – it’s time to figure out how to relax and destress.

It’s also, critically important how you end your work week, it will not only have a huge impact on how productive you are the following week, but also may determine how relaxed you are over the weekend.

So, that got me thinking— how can I avoid ending the week feeling exhausted or worst having that dreaded headache and find something that will help me unwind after a tough week?

If you’re out of ideas, I’ve compiled 7 for you:

1. Exercise

If you haven’t got your exercise in the morning or a power lunch session. An after-work Friday treadmill, yoga class, or spinning session will have you feeling like Wonder Woman.

2. Read

Sure, if exercising is the last thing you can imagine doing on a Friday evening then how about you grab a book. It worked for me! Here are several suggestions for awesome fiction and career books to get you started.

3. Listen to a Podcast

If all your thinking about is how to get home after work, listening to your favourite podcast will make the journey on the hot and stuffy train much more bearable just click play, sit back, close your eyes, and listen. Here are a few of the top podcasts in Asia.

4. Meditate

My favourite method is floating meditation pods. All you need to do is set aside 60 minutes and you will find yourself calmer, clear headed and above all super relaxed. If your new to floating pod meditation check out thesecool facilities.

5. Call your parents or a close Friend

Being a good daughter, it’s probably best to set aside some time after work to have a conversation with the parents. With the busy schedules that we all face its good to listen to their words of wisdom, it can be very relaxing and comforting.

6. Unwind and Dine with the girls

Rather than going home right after work, meet up with your girlfriends grab dinner or drinks and enjoy the fun catch up and laughter. Just make sure to put your phone away and give them your full attention.

7. Social Media & Netflix binge.

You’ve got home and it’s time to dump everything by the door, collapse on the couch, grab a glass of wine and just do nothing but flick through Netflix and the latest Korean soap drama and scroll through your friends social media feeds catching up with all the latest gossip can be very therapeutic.

There’s no escaping the fact that work is a stressful place. Yet it’s important to find ways to unplug ourselves from the hectic nature of work so to avoid the risk of burnout. I know that regardless of who you are and what you’re interested in, you’ll find one of these ideas will really help you feel happier.

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