A Career Platform
for Diverse Talent

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See how Companies that Care™ Empower Women

  • Equal Pay Initiatives

    Equal Pay Initiatives

    Equal pay for equal work. That’s just common sense!

  • Flexible Working Arrangements

    Flexible Working Arrangements

    ​​Flexibility improves morale, increases productivity and company performance.

  • Mentorship Program

    Mentorship Program

    ​​Women with mentors feel more supported and satisfied with their career.

  • Leadership Development Program

    Leadership Development Program

    ​​Advance your career with an employer that supports female leadership.

  • Paid Parental Leave

    Paid Parental Leave

    ​​Parents are happier and more engaged at work when they have paid parental leave.

  • Return to Work Policy

    Return to Work Policy

    ​​If you're ready to restart your career, you need support and training for the transition.

  • Childcare Facilities

    Childcare Facilities

    ​​It takes a village to raise a child. What's better than facilities right at your workplace?

  • Breastfeeding Rooms

    Breastfeeding Rooms

    ​​Providing mothers the privacy and comfort they need when returning from maternity leave.

  • Sponsorship Program

    Sponsorship Program

    ​​Sponsorship program is critically important to keep the talent pipeline full and enable women to successfully climb the corporate ladder.

  • Coaching Program

    Coaching Program

    ​​Continuous learning is critical to keep up with the evolving changes in every jobs.

  • Raise Numbers Of Women In Leadership

    Raise Numbers Of Women In Leadership

    ​​We need more women representation in leadership because it leads to more inclusive policies and initiatives.

  • Internal Women's Networking Group

    Internal Women's Networking Group

    ​​Having a network of women to reach out to, discuss and champion women initiatives at work.

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Are You Ready to Grow and Make a Career Change?

We help our clients advance the world through the power of people and the Microsoft ecosystem. This applies to our people as well as our clients and their customers. We know that the world of technology changes fast. Finding time to learn new skills to keep up with technological advances can seem daunting, whether you’re looking to take your first steps in tech or have years of experience under your belt. The Avanade Academies are designed to help you on this journey, whatever your start position is. Through immersive, hands-on training, we help you jump into a technology career, change specialities, or deepen your knowledge in a specific area, including opportunities to earn Microsoft certifications. Get paid to learn and get to know Avanade’s culture at the same time.  

Learn More

Career Advice & News

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Davy Vine Valdivia
    ​I am very grateful to cross path with Half the Sky. The platform opened this amazing opportunity for me to acquire my dream job and company which is Cisco and because of that I am very thankful. I’m also happy to be part of this community that empowers women because I believe the vision of HTS is what we really need right now and I know that the platform will continue to help more women like me to have the chance to showcase their talents and skills one step towards their dream role. I highly recommend HTS to be the best platform for women seeking equal job opportunities. I also want to deeply thank Alice and Sabrina for personally reaching out to me and helping me all throughout my journey with Cisco your efforts are very much appreciated.
    Davy Vine Valdivia, Cisco

    Systems Engineer

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Uma Thana
    ​I love it! Your platform gives the transparency of workplace policies and support to women especially. Also, instead of companies screening candidates, now female candidates can screen these companies and I think that's a really powerful thing!
    Uma Thana, VMware

    Vice President & Channel Chief, Asia Pacific & Japan

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Peta Latimer
    ​I think anything that provides people that don't have access or normal access to the roles and opportunities out there, it can only be a good thing so I applaud you for the work that you're doing. 
    Peta Latimer, Mercer

    CEO, Singapore at Mercer

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Bee Kheng Tay
    ​It’s a very good platform that you have which is specifically for women! I just hope that more women know you are doing such a great thing for them. To be able to come out and specifically be so deeply believe in doing something for women and creating this platform is definitely such a great act on your part. I just hope that more companies, more women would find your platform, use your platform and then be able to find the right job or get the right candidates.
    Bee Kheng Tay, Cisco

    Managing Director, Singapore and Brunei at Cisco

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Charlotte Thng
    ​It’s a good self-awareness platform and it pulls all women together. I really appreciate your effort in that. So please do more of that, expand your network, that will go a very long way for many women in the workforce to not just in Singapore. 
    Charlotte Thng, Standard Chartered Bank

    Head of Human Resources, Singapore and ASA

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Chay Geok Lee
    ​It’s fantastic! It’s really ladies helping ladies and this is the least we can do. Giving them opportunity, helping them to find opportunity and re-join the workforce. 
    Chay Geok Lee, Willis Towers Watson

    Head of Operations, Corporate Risk & Broking Asia Pacific

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Lisa Mather
    ​It's wonderful! There are still big gender related gaps that we need to cover and  I do think there is a role for more focused initiatives such as your platform I really applaud it and I think particularly sort of ones like yours that sort of traverses not just the gender boundaries but maybe some of the geographic boundary as well. It's a wonderful initiative! 
    Lisa Mather, PayPal

    Vice President , Chief International Counsel

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Rachna Sampayo
    ​It is absolutely an amazing and brilliant initiative! We do need such initiative to instill that confidence and the mind of women that we can do anything that we want.
    Rachna Sampayo, Oracle

    Vice President Human Resources, ASEAN & SAGE at Oracle

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Mamta Hotchandani
    ​I've been participating in HTS events for a few months now and both the workshops & talks from various speakers have been super helpful and insightful. Kudos to half the sky for forming a women-centric platform!
    Mamta Hotchandani, UBS

    Business Manager, APAC COO, Group Regional President's Office

  • Atoms/Icons/Quote/03@1x Chris Mead
    ​​"Based in Singapore, though with pan Asian reach, the half the sky team have an excellent focus when partnering with clients, always looking to find innovative solutions in a most challenging time."
    Chris Mead, DuPont

    Head of Talent Acquisition APAC & EMEA

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    A great place to work is for everyone

    Unlike regular job sites, Half The Sky works directly with companies to assess their career benefits and commitment to women in the workplace as well as provide transparency on a company's success rate when it comes to diversify and inclusion.

    We make the whole process of finding your next best career move more transparent using our benchmarking tools.

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    Diversity & Inclusion in the workplace matters

    We believe that creating and/or further instilling a diverse workforce benefits everyone. The best organizations thrive by enabling their people the opportunity to be celebrated for their uniqueness and differences.

    We're working everyday to encourage more organizations to adopt better ways they can find, hire, retain and promote more diverse talents.

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    Levelling the playing field

    As the leading career platform for women in Asia, we hope to increase female representation at every level. The companies we work with are committed to growing women leadership representation in their organizations and help women prepare for the future of work.

    Join us on our mission as we help you find great jobs, coaching, training and a community that suits you.

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