Company's Initiatives
Equal Pay Initiatives
Mentorship Program
Flexible Working Arrangements
Leadership Development Program
Paid Parental Leave
Return to Work Policy
Breastfeeding Rooms
Coaching Program
Raise Numbers Of Women In Leadership
Internal Women's Networking Group
Women In DBS.
DBS, a leading financial services group headquartered in Singapore, operates across 18 markets. We are an Asia-centric commercial bank focused on harnessing the region’s long-term potential as the centre of economic gravity shifts eastwards to Asia.
We Are Committed On Gender Diversity.
At DBS, women currently make up 40% of senior management, which includes senior vice presidents to managing directors. In Singapore, women form close to 60% of DBS’ overall workforce and more than one-third of the Group Management Committee, which sets the strategy and direction of the bank.
Our CEO Piyush Gupta also championed having clear hiring and promotion practices with objective criteria and frequent salary reviews for parity between genders.
Best Companies For Mums.
At DBS, we believe that our employees are important to us and we support them. When Yuria Tantono met with an accident that left her wheelchair-bound, the Bank's flexible work arrangements allowed her to work from home and telecommute. Having become a mother recently, she also benefited from the Bank's initiatives such as pro-family employee leave schemes, support schemes for mothers and infrastructure support.
We have also taken steps to create a female-friendly corporate environment include establishing a board diversity policy and providing a range of working arrangements including flexible time arrangement, part-time arrangement, work-from-home arrangement and a sabbatical leave arrangement.
We Walk The Talk.
We are proud to be one of 325 companies across 50 industries included in the 2020 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the third year running.
In 2019, DBS was once again included in the Bloomberg GEI, alongside 229 other companies from 10 sectors headquartered across 36 countries and regions worldwide. Women currently make up 40% of DBS’ senior management, which includes senior vice presidents to managing directors. In Singapore, women form close to 60% of DBS’ overall workforce and more than one-third of the Group Management Committee, which sets the strategy and direction of the bank. DBS also played an active role in launching the Women’s Livelihood Bond — the world’s first social sustainability bond to be listed on a stock exchange.
In 2018, DBS was one of only two companies in Singapore which made it into the inaugural Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), which recognised 104 firms worldwide for their gender equality efforts.
Our Workspace For Employees By Employees.
Imagine having the freedom to pick where and how you want to work, what breath-taking view you like for the day, and even the height of your desk! That could be your reality at DBS in a Joyspace office! Through change and design workshops, DBS collaborated with employees to find the best solutions for their working needs, with them, for them. Together, they created a working environment based on the principles of choice, community and culture that helps employees to be their best!
DBS Asia X - Our New Innovation Space.
We have created this new innovation space, DBS Asia X for employees and FinTech partners to collaborate to come up with solutions that make banking simpler, smarter and faster for the world!
We Care About Our Community.
As a purpose-driven organisation, DBS believes in being a force for good and every year the People of Purpose volunteers from the bank give over S$1million worth of volunteer hours. We reached out to the elderly and the youth through various special projects. Our year-round volunteer movement has heightened organisational pride and sparked ground-up leadership. Recognised as one of the best employers in Asia, we are committed to making meaningful contributions to the communities we live and work in.
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